

02/29/08 - Brick, Run then Bike

The good thing about leap years is that you get an extra day to train. Some see that as a bad thing others well it is a free day if you ask me. For me that is good since I was off for a couple weeks. So my calves are as tight as piano wire and was not sure I would get through 1 mile let alone 3.5 (I was shooting for 4) but got through the 3.5 then I jumped right into bike, here are the stats:
Duration: 27:19.0
Distance: 3.5
HR: 156/176
Pace: 7.47/6.31
Notes: Tired, tight and huffing

Duration: 25 min
Distance: 8 Miles
Pace: 19.1
Notes: just getting through, every once and a while you have days like this, mine was on a leap year 2008.

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Friday, February 29, 2008
At 7:54 AM


02/28/08 - Swim then Bike

This was not a brick session but got both in close to each other.
I swam for 25 min straight and felt good, a little slow but good, I had been sick and on vacation for 2 weeks so some things are going to take a while to come back.
The bike went like this:
Duration: 33:59.1
Distance: 10 miles
HR: 148/168
Speed: 17.7/19.3
Cadence: 75/88
That is how it went, tired and trying to get back into the training, have to do a brick tomorrow.

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
At 7:49 AM


2/9/08 - cycling

Starting to come down with something but until it hits I will push on. Did a 30 min bike easy and wit time I can my time and cadence going up.
Duration: 33:31:8
Distance: 10 miles
HR: 138/160
Speed: 18/20
cadence: 75/93

In the pool tomorrow.


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Wednesday, February 13, 2008
At 6:25 AM


2/6/08 - Brick, Run, Bike

I was not planning on this being a brick session but it turned out that way because of time. the whole workout took around 1:15 and that was perfect. As I stated this week was a easy week but I really wanted to push it to see what was in my tank.
Running Stats:
Duration: 43:54.9
Distance: 5.9 miles
HR: 158/178
Pace: 7:24/6:15

Went right into cycling

Cycling stats:
Duration: 25:33.7
Distance: 1.5
HR: 131/138
Speed: 9.0/17.8

Not bad, felt pretty solid.

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Sunday, February 10, 2008
At 2:44 PM


4/5/08 - Cycling (trainer)

Being on a trainer is one of the toughest things out there, the leader is a treadmill. winter is here and getting out is tough and colder than running. Today was easy and since there have been no newLife, Bionic Women, or Chuck I kept it easy, real easy.
Bike at an easy pace keeping your heart rate zones between Zone 1- Zone 3.
Duration: 47:32.0
Distance: 13.3 miles
HR: 126/148
Speed: 16.8/19.3
Cadence: 76/84

Can't get any easier than that, tomorrow is weights.


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Friday, February 8, 2008
At 4:47 AM


1/31/08 - Swim, Bike (T1, T2)

This was a push day getting the body ready for competition and I wanted to see what I have in me. A training partner of mine for swimming, swam for Princeton and lets say he is fast, can kick like flipper, it is truly impressive when you can watch, let alone train with someone of this caliper. The intensity and effort put into each workout matches much of what I try to do so the partnership works.
So here is the break down for the swim:
3600 yard the most so far felt good but am tired and sore.
800 easy
4x75 on the 1:20
2x100 underwater swim
3x200 yards (200 all out, 2x200 easy)
8x100 yards (4x100 on the 1:10 50 sec rest, 4x100 on the 2 min)

I was tired but felt good.

Time: 59:42
Distance: 18.1
HR: 138/165
Speed: 18.2/20.2
Cadence: 69/85

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Monday, February 4, 2008
At 8:23 AM


1/28/08 - Cycling

Trying to get things dialed in, working out on a trainer for the better part of the 20 week program is tough. I want to make sure my positioning is right and that I feel comfortable. Since my crash last year I am also looking at new bikes, I had the Quintana Roo and thought it was a good bike and even had a good showing on it as well, placed second. Now Cannondale has the Slice and it looks fast, so i will keep all posted on the move that I make and why it is made.

1:27:00 longest ride yet this year
25 miles
Speed: 17.2/21/1
Cadence: 78/103
HR: 135

Long Run Tomorrow


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
At 8:00 AM


1/26/08 - Swim and Cycle

Sorry I am a little behind on the post busy work week, here is where you have to look at the full week in advance and compare that to your actual work week. Improvise and juggle the workouts around so that you are still completing the full week.

Swim, feeling better and getting the feel of the water back, been wearing a drag suit and mentally that has been tough since you are considerbly slower.

Warm up with 5 minutes of easy swimming.
Main set consists of 2400 yards:
Build through from easy to hard pace (2 x 200)
Swim Test Pace. Kick alternative sides down link of pool fins. (1 x 1500)
Optional Swim (1 x 500)
Cool Down with 5 minutes of easy swimming.

easy 8 miles this is not a brick but it seems that on the weekend when ever I swim I go right to the bike. Doing a T1/T2 brick is not that hard doing a T2/T3 is where the toughness comes in.

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Thursday, January 31, 2008
At 8:24 AM


1/24/08 - swimming and Biking

So starting to get into a groove, I did the bike first and then swam. The difference here is that when you do these in reverse order you might find that your legs are a bit tired when you swim, mine cramp up, and started to during this swim.
Here is how it played out:
Warm up with 15 minutes of easy cycling.
Ride 10 miles at a speed that will total at 30 minutes. Stay in Zone 1- Zone 3 for the majority of the ride.
At any point during your ride, perform the following twice: pick up the pace and focus on raising your heart rate zone so that it's between Zone 3-Zone 4. While in Zone 3- Zone 4, continuously ride for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes are up, return back to riding in Zone 1-Zone3.
Coach's Notes:
This is usually an interval of a longer set. The focus at Tempo is Z3-Z4. Various terrains will be secondary focus from flat hills. Taking an indoor cycling class is also an option.
See attachment for Heart Rate Zones.

Swim was:
500 warm up
5 x 100 kick on the 2
5 x 100 pull on the 1:20
5 x 100 on the 1:20
finally was a 200 warm down.

tomorrow is a run.

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Saturday, January 26, 2008
At 9:59 AM


1/14/8 - Cycling

Back to cycling again, today was a easy day, but I turned it into a sprint, so I thought. My time was 1 hour flat I really felt as though I was pushing it, not.
My stats
First .30 min was average 17.5 mph with a cadence of 85
Second .30 min was average 19 mph with a cadence of 75
I really tried to push myself though minutes of speed and power followed by mile of rest. doing that drove down my % but increased my lactic threshold.
Tomorrow is rest, followed by a rough week of 2 times a day with a brick.
Should be fun


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Tuesday, January 15, 2008
At 6:46 PM


1/13/8 - Cycling (trainer)

So in the basement watching the Colts lose, would have been great to see the Giants and the Colts play.
The workout was this:
Warm up with 15 minutes of easy cycling.
Bike at an easy pace keeping your heart rate between Zone 1- Zone 3. Include 4 to 8 high speed spins with cadence greater than 100 within 30 to 90 seconds. Perform this with less than 3 minutes rest between moves.
Cool down with 15 minutes of easy cycling.

I did:
20.3 miles
17.4 MPH (need to get this up)
Cadence, 71/94
So going over an hour was tough, did not think it would be but it did. So moving forward it is either, fast sprints on the trainer or 1+ hour on the trainer.


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
At 6:04 AM



feel slow, notice that my biking needs work. I am using a trainer, so not sure how real it is bike seems that I have an average 17 MPH and need to be in the 20 mph if I want to do well.
Warm up with 15 minutes of easy cycling.

Ride 10 miles at a speed that will total at 45 minutes. Stay in Zone 1- Zone 3 for majority of the ride.

At any point during your ride, perform the following twice: focus on raising your heart rate zone so that it's between Zone 3-Zone 4. While in Zone 3- Zone 4, continuously ride for 6 minutes. After the 6 minutes are up, return back to riding in Zone 1-Zone3

Noticing that my biking needs some more work,


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Sunday, January 13, 2008
At 4:47 PM


1/7/8 - Cycling

It has been good to get into the groove again, getting up early and starting the day with workouts is nice. So today was Cycling, I was to do a 30 min warm up then a 10 mile time trial heart rate in zone 3 or higher. Here is how it unfolded
Warm up with an easy 30 minute ride.
After warm-up, perform your Bike Test. Ride for 10 miles for at least 30 minutes nonstop on relative flat terrain. Ride course all out. Perform at heart rate zones of Zone 3 or higher during this ride. (Approximately 85% maximum heart rate.)
Cool down with an easy 15 minute ride.

Zone 3 - 20%
Zone 4 - 37%
Zone 5 - 13%
Zone 1 - 2%
Zone 2 - 28%
I road for a total of 18 miles but misjudged the warm down, basicly I did not do the warm down, the ride lasted 1:02, should have been 1:15.
Things that I have learned was that I need to get more time on the bike, I feel slow and to achieve my goals I need to be doing the 40k in about an hour.

Need to go faster.


By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Tuesday, January 8, 2008
At 6:00 AM


1/5/8 - Cycle (trainer)

Today was a cycle day and I needed to do 10 miles in 45 min, easy enough. I was using a Kurt Kinetic and doing the Spinerval DVD, Workout 'A' - Technique: This 30 minute technique session includes one legged drill work and high cadence pedaling to maximize your leg speed and create better efficiency on the bike.
  • 41:42,
  • 11.1 miles
  • speed average 15.9
  • cadence average 79
  • cadence max 139
feeling good so far into the training with a little cold. Tomorrow Swim and Run.

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By HC Fitness and Technology Solutions
On Saturday, January 5, 2008
At 3:44 PM